‘Imaginaries of Immortality in the Age of AI: An Intercultural Analysis’
Principal Investigator
In recent years, the impact of AI on our attitudes to death and immortality have gained immense significance across technological and economic domains. While the design and implementation of systems promising a digital afterlife can have far-reaching global consequences, they are currently discussed almost exclusively within an Anglophone Western context. Katarzyna Nowaczyk-Basińska’s AI2050 project aims to investigate perceptions of digital immortality in three eastern countries assessing their alignment with local interests and exploring diverse cultural imaginaries related to AI-driven immortality concepts. It will conduct three intercultural workshops with experts and non-experts to frame digital immortality within a context of diversity.
International conference ‘Digital (Im)mortality: Philosophy, Ethics and Design’.
Co-creator (with Professor Stephen Cave ) of the conference concept as well as the event coordinator and moderator of the Design for Digital Immortality panel.
‘Immortality. Technocultural Strategies of Contemporary Times’
Project Leader
My work aims to analyze the impact of advanced technologies (primarily artificial intelligence) on the concept of immortality in Western culture alongside the social and cultural shifts caused by the ever-expanding understanding of techno-immortality over the last two decades. As part of my scholarship, I started cooperation with the Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge, and I am conducting my research under the scientific supervision of Professor Stephen Cave.
Author and curator of an interactive exhibition entitled ‘Im?mortality. Cultural and Technological Contexts’; the exhibition presents the results of my one-year research carried out with funds from the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region.
Lecturer and trainer in the field of creating and implementing social and artistic projects.
Co-author of the two international workshops entitled: ‘Mind maps as tools supporting adult literacy. Developing a modern method’ and ‘Great grandparents! Seniors and grandchildren without barriers.
Curator and coordinator (with Angelika Topolewska-Pleskot) of the artistic and scientific project entitled ‘Bohaterowie, których nie ma’ as part of the fourth edition of the Nowa Siła Kuratorska festival.
Co-creator (with Adam Ziajski) and coordinator of the first residential center for independent artists in Poland; responsible for promotional activities, acquiring partners and sponsors, obtaining funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region, as well as supervising the production and implementation of events.