India 24–28 February 2025, New Delhi (Im)mortality Over Dinner *Select a date for26 February, Wednesday, 202527 February, Thursday, 202528 February, Friday, 2025Identity data *Sex *FemaleMaleOtherPrefer not to sayEducation *No formal educationPrimary schoolSecondary schoolHigher Education (Bachelor’s degree)Higher education (Postgraduate degree)OtherAreas of work *Religion *CatholicProtestantJewishMuslimOtherI don't practiceI preferer not to give itPlease answer the following questions, it will help us during the meeting" *0 / 1800 / 180I am aware that "(Im)mortality over Dinner" is part of a research project carried out by the University of Cambridge.I agree to participate in the "Dinner", knowing that they will be recorded in audio and video form for research purposes, and the collected materials will be anonymized and analyzed for the purposes of further scientific work. Individual shots will also be used to create a short promotional material.I acknowledge that "(Im)mortality over Dinner" is not a support group and is not recommended for people who have lost a loved one in the last 6 months.Send